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Ikea's Typhoon Aid Overshadows China's Aid To Philippines

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And today's last word in business is: missed opportunity.

The typhoon in the Philippines prompted the U.S. to send money, food and an aircraft carrier, all of which may deepen relations with that U.S. Ally. China has tense relation with the Philippines but did not try the same gambit.


The world second-biggest economy has pledged $1.6 million to help. It is widely noted that is far, far less than many other countries, and even less than one company. The Swedish furniture store Ikea is sending more money than China.

MONTAGNE: It's rare, actually, that China contributes much in foreign aid. The $1.6 million gift is actually much higher than its first offer of just $100,000.

And that's the business news on MORNING EDITION from NPR News. I'm Renee Montagne.

INSKEEP: And I'm Steve Inskeep. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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