Fort Wayne Community Schools celebrated the graduates from the Peacemaker Academy Friday, with a group of students from each of the district’s five high schools. WBOI’s Ella Abbott explains what the Peacemakers do and how the program will benefit each school.
FWCS’ Peacemakers are students looking to make a change in their schools and help encourage an environment of acceptance and nonviolence.
The program began as a pilot at South Side High School but, with the passage of the safety referendum in November, is expanding to all of the district’s high schools.
Demetric George will be a senior at South Side and, now, a graduate of the Peacemaker Academy. He was recommended to join by a couple friends and the program facilitator and said he’s looking forward to making an impact in the coming school year.
“Everything we do makes a change, even if it’s little, a change is a change. By going around putting stuff up so you can read it," George said. "We have a flag, where you put your pin on where you came from, showing that everyone comes from somewhere else, but we’re all the same deep down inside where it matters.”
The groups from each school presented their plans for creating peace within their own schools, including rewards for days without hallway incidents, sharing circles with students and teachers and events to share their individual cultures with each other.
Graduates will continue to work together during the school year to foster a peaceful and nonviolent environment in their schools.