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FWCS ISTEP+ Scores Follow Statewide Trend


Tuesday’s rollout of ISTEP+ scores showed school districts across the state with fewer "As" than last year, and more “Bs” and “Cs.”

Fort Wayne Community Schools’ scores were pretty consistent with the statewide trend. Last year, 27 schools in the district received "As." That sharply declined to two this year. “Bs” went up from nine to 18, and there were a few more Cs and Ds than last year.

While the district received zero “F” grades in 2015, there were three in the 2016 scoring. FWCS superintendent Dr. Wendy Robinson released the following statement in response to the rollout of ISTEP+ scores:

“Today, the Indiana Board of Education approved accountability grades for all schools and districts in the state. The grades reflect the results of the 2016 ISTEP+ exam, which were released last month. Experts agree that it takes three years of using new standards before standardized tests can accurately show if students are mastering standards, and therefore, before the results should be used for accountability purposes. We have not yet reached that point with the current Indiana College and Career Readiness Standards, and yet, they are being used to judge students, teachers, schools and districts. As I said when the ISTEP+ results were released: These grades and this flawed accountability system are not an accurate reflection of what happens in our classrooms each and every day. Our dedicated teachers, administrators and support staff are focused on making sure each student is educated to high standards. Any parents who have questions are welcome to talk to the principal at their school to learn more about the high quality work being done for the children of this community.”

This was the first year a new ISTEP+ evaluation formula was used by the State Board and Department of Education, which sought to reward students for improving their score on the state assessment, instead of simply for passing it.

If Fort Wayne Community Schools would like to appeal their grades, they would need to file a formal request to the Department of Education. This action has already been taken by East Allen County Schools for East Allen University, which received an “F.”

You can view your district’s results online at stateimpactindiana.org.

All News ISTEP+
Zach joined 89.1 WBOI as a reporter and local host for All Things Considered, and hosted Morning Edition for the past few years. In 2022, he was promoted to Content Director.
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