U.S. Census population numbers for northeast Indiana in 2022 are in.
All counties in the area gained in numbers, except for Noble County, which lost 52 people since 2021.
Allen County saw a net growth in population of 2,337, bringing the total number of residents to 391,449.
Overall, all of northeast Indiana saw a net population increase from 801,724 to 805,656.
According to the U.S. Census statistics, Huntington, Steuben, Wabash and Wells counties lost more people to death than they gained in births from 2021 to 2022.
All area counties gained population from international migration, but Adams, LaGrange and Noble counties lost population to people moving out of the county.

Population in Midwestern counties is not growing much, if any, outside of suburban counties such as Hamilton County, near Indianapolis, says Rachel Blakeman, the director of Purdue University Fort Wayne’s Community Research Institute.
With Baby Boomers nearing their mid- to late 70s, this represents a population “cliff” as natural deaths are likely to outpace births in upcoming years, Blakeman says.