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Women are Raising Voices for People Who Can't

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Stephanie Gottesman & Anne Marie Labenberg

This week, Anne Marie Labenberg joined us for an important conversation about social equity and implicit bias. She is the co-founder of RAISE consulting, a lifespan health advocacy consulting firm focused on underserved and underrepresented populations. Their primary areas of focus are women’s health, maternal mortality, infant mortality, and the effects of the opioid crisis on all populations. She is also an ambassador for The United State of Women, a national organization for any woman who sees that we need a different America for all women to survive and thrive — and wants to work collectively to achieve it. 

The first part of our conversation goes into the concept of equity, as opposed to equality, which is a big concept that spans a lot of areas of social justice. We referenced this image, so I’m sharing it here. I don’t know who to credit it to – it’s been going around social media for awhile. Please let us know if you know who the source is!




From there, she tells us about her work with RAISE consulting, why she views trauma as the true “gateway drug,” the white papers she’s written to influence change, and the curriculum she’s developed to teach people about implicit bias (the idea that we all have unconscious biases that influence our actions in moments of split-second decision making). She finishes the interview by sharing the story of her galvanizing moment – the childhood experience that put her on the path toward social justice work.


During the interview, she references a few useful resources:


  • This ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) quiz is a quick resource for determining the impact of childhood traumas on adulthood.
  • Harvard’s Project Implicit will help you take a look at your own implicit biases and start to become conscious of the unconscious influences on your decision making.
  • This Media Bias Chart shows the alignment of various media sources, and which ones are the most unbiased and true to the facts.

Visit the website to learn more about RAISE consulting, or you can visit them on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.


If you’re interested in learning more about the United State of Women, head over to their website, or visit them on Facebook and Instagram.


Our musician this week is Trinell’s Mad Scatter Music. Her music challenges the boundaries of jazz concepts, and the idea of genre-static music. The song is called “Wrong Turn,” and features Alicia Pyle on the piano. You can find her music on iTunes, Spotify, and Amazon, as well as Facebook and Instagram.


Special thanks to Steve Tyler and Radiance of Silverbirch Studios for giving us a space to record and helping us sound amazing. Thank you also to Rosalind & the Way for our gorgeous intro music, to Traci Henning-Kolberg for editing out our mistakes and making us sound fantastic. 

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