“A Christmas Carol,” by Charles Dickens, is a universally beloved holiday tale, and this year, First Pres Theater invited Fort Wayne director, Jack Cantey, to put a fresh new spin on this timeless classic.
Along with an arsenal of creative mediums, including song, puppetry, projection and narration, Jack chose to work with a small ensemble cast of seven, each actor playing multiple roles, and multiple actors playing the part of Scrooge.
As cast and crew ready for this engaging, multimedia production’s final weekend, WBOI’s Julia Meek invited Cantey into the studio to discuss what drove the course of his adaptation, and what impactful message the story continues to share.
Event Information:
"A Christmas Carol"
@ First Pres Theater, Fort Wayne
Saturday, December 16th
7:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 17th
For ticket information, visit the First Presbyterian Church website.