It’s official — Indiana is out of the Common Core.
Governor Pence signed a bill Monday reversing an earlier decision to share academic standards with 44 other states and the District of Columbia. Still, the state’s next set of standards will likely have substantial overlap with the Common Core.
Pence has said repeatedly Indiana will have academic standards written ‘by Hoosiers, for Hoosiers.’
After signing the bill withdrawing Indiana from the Common Core, he praised state education officials’ efforts.
“We literally have hundreds of teachers that have put in thousands of hours. We’re working for multiple drafts. We’re working with outside experts,” Pence said. “It’s probably the most vigorous, the most transparent and comprehensive evaluation of standards that’s ever been attempted by a state.”
But Common Core critics still aren’t satisfied.
Indianapolis Senator Scott Schneider removed himself as an author of the legislation Pence signed in protest. He says the proposed standards the State Board plans to vote on next month are too similar to the nationally-crafted expectations they’ll replace.