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Cruz, Fiorina Visit Fort Wayne Ahead Of Primary

Zach Bernard/WBOI News

Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz and his new running mate Carly Fiorina made a campaign stop in Fort Wayne Thursday morning, five days before Indiana’s May 3 primary. Nearly 1,000 people were in attendance for the rally, which was held at the Grand Wayne Center.

In his speech, Cruz touched on repealing the Affordable Care Act, eradicating ISIS and protecting religious liberty in the United States. He also referenced North Carolina’s controversial transgender bathroom bill.

“This is basic common sense,” said Cruz. “It doesn’t make sense to allow grown, adult men -- strangers -- to be alone in a bathroom with little girls. And anyone who says differently is political correctness on steroids.”

Cruz also used the bill to take a shot at two of his main political opponents.

“If Donald Trump dresses up as Hillary Clinton, he still can’t use the little girl’s restroom!” he said. Last week, Trump said he supports transgender people using the bathroom they want.

Former GOP hopeful Carly Fiorina began her tour with the Cruz campaign after officially being announced as the candidate’s running mate Wednesday afternoon in Indianapolis.

Her support of Cruz is linked by a mutual passion for the Constitution, which she credits for her success in the private sector.

“It is only in this nation that a young woman can start out typing and filing and answering phones for a nine-person company in the middle of a deep recession, go on one day to become the chief executive of what we turned into the largest technology company in the world, run for the presidency of the United States and be named to be another candidate’s running mate,” Fiorina said.

She also believes the Constitution is being abused by the current administration.

“The Constitution is not just about the protection of our rights and liberties,” she said. “The Constitution is about restraining power. And here’s the truth folks: we have had, for too long, too much money and too much power concentrated in the hands of too few people.”

Cruz also wasted little time singing the praises of his new running mate, as well -- again, at the expense of an opponent.

“Carly terrifies Hillary Clinton,” Cruz said. “I can just picture Hillary thinking about Carly, tossing and turning and tossing and turning… in her jail cell.”

As primary season draws to a close with delegates still in play, Cruz says he’s confident in his chances as the GOP nomination hangs into balance in Indiana.

“Let me tell you, the eyes of the entire country are on Indiana right now,” he said. “And I could not be happier to have this race decided using the Midwestern common sense -- the good judgment -- of Hoosiers.”

Cruz supporters at the Grand Wayne Center varied in age, from young children to seniors. Levi Nelson just finished his freshman year at Indiana Wesleyan University, and came to the rally wearing a Captain America hat and jacket sporting the American flag. 

"I really like his stance on security and foreign policy, along with the private sector, and ending the war on coal would be very, very good." Nelson said. 

Fiorina and Cruz emphasized their partnership is the clear choice in the Republican party to defeat Hillary Clinton in the general election. Cruz is expected to return to the Grand Wayne Center Monday for another speaking engagement.

Indiana’s primary election is Tuesday, May 3.

Zach joined 89.1 WBOI as a reporter and local host for All Things Considered, and hosted Morning Edition for the past few years. In 2022, he was promoted to Content Director.
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