Governor Mike Pence is reaching across party lines to fill an open seat in his administration. Pence announced on Wednesday Democrat Jim Schellinger will head the state’s economic development agency.
Schellinger, who’s served on the Indiana Economic Development Corporation’s Board of Directors since Pence took office, will take a leave of absence from his role as CEO of the Indianapolis company CSO Architects. The Hoosier Democrat ran for governor in 2008, losing in the primary.
But Governor Pence says Schellinger’s political affiliation has nothing to do with his appointment.
“I don’t think jobs is a partisan issue,” Pence said, “and I really mean it from my heart when I say I’ve got a Republican on my left and I’ve got a Democrat on my right, but we’re all in this together.”
Schellinger and his wife last year donated $15,000 to Governor Pence. Schellinger says it’s because, in his time on the IEDC board, he was impressed by the governor’s commitment to job creation.
Pence says while he appreciates any support he receives, he’s confident Schellinger is the right choice for the job.