Meet the Music
Mondays and Thursdays from 8:00 - 10:00pm on 89.1 WBOI
Meet the Music is the brain child of host Julia Meek and features the great music of our region, recorded in the Harriet Parrish Performance Studio at the NIPR Studios in Fort Wayne, Meet the Music invites listeners to learn more about music they love and meet music they will soon love!
Chief Engineer: Ed Didier
Tech Director: Al Mozena
Communications/Photography: Duane Eby
To be considered for a spot on Meet the Music, musicians should send a demo and brief bio to Meet the Music, NIPR, P.O. Box 8459, Fort Wayne, IN 46898.
89.1 WBOI presents a LIVE, two hour broadcast of Meet the Music featuring Teresa Chalaye Long, Secret Mezzanine and The Wickersham Brothers!It's FREE,…