Gregory Stieber and Amy Uptgraft's "Veteran's Spouse Project: I will Wait" is a dynamic theatrical production that premiered in 2015.
The show presents real life stories depicting the experiences of the spouses of veterans and active duty soldiers from World War Two to current times. It's singular and powerful statement is simply, "Your story has value, and you are not alone."
Now the play has grown into a movement being shared nation-wide, and an original musical score by David Todoran has become the heartbeat of the project.
A benefit concert this Saturday at Neat Neat Neat Records and Music will showcase Todoran's musical score for the first time here in Fort Wayne, in its entirety.
Last week WBOI's Julia Meek sat down with Stieber and Todoran to discuss the new music, the organization's ongoing mission, and the impact its message now carries.
Event Information:
Veteran's Spouse Project: An Evening of Music and Theater
@ Neat Neat Neat Music and Records, Fort Wayne
Saturday, July 14th, 2018
7:00 p.m. t 9:30 p.m.
For ticket information visit the Facebook event page.