Whether you're vegan, vegetarian, organic omnivore...or just a foodie looking for that perfect bite, the local market is a tastier place these days, thanks to Young Urban Homesteaders.
The enterprise was started up back in 2012 by Samantha Arney and Philippe Carol, in a backyard garden plot that provided the couple enough fresh, organic produce to sell at area farmer's markets and festivals.
By the second year, they not only expanded their growing space to a vacant lot nearby, they also began producing KimChi, sauerkraut, and eventually a whole line of fermented edibles which they make the tradional way, in small batch ceramic crocks.
Hungry to learn more about the couple, and their homestead, WBOI's Julia Meek invited them into the studio a few weeks ago to talk about their ever expanding operations, their most recent adventures with non-dairy "Cheesecake" and the impact they are making on our community.
You can learn more about the operation, the products and the Golden Ticket Cheesecake Giveaway at the Young Urban Homesteaders website.