The City of Fort Wayne is set to get more than $3 million in federal money from the 2024 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program from the Department of Transportation.
This week, city officials announced the RAISE grant will help pay for infrastructure projects on the city’s southeast side.
In a press release, officials said they will plan “surface transportation enhancements along four corridors in the southeast quadrant of the city.”
The release said those corridors are South Anthony Boulevard, Paulding Road, Fairfield Avenue and East Tillman Road.
The enhancements could include narrowing lanes and reconfiguring roads in such a way that would reduce speeds. The city’s Public Works Department said it’s also planning to redesign walking and biking infrastructure to allow for better access to public transportation hubs. The plans will also encourage alternative modes of transportation to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
This planning portion of the RAISE grant will pay for 100% of the engineering cost. Once the project has been engineered and construction costs have been estimated, officials will apply for a construction grant from the RAISE program, according to a press release.
A city spokesperson said the city hopes to apply for that grant in 2026 or 2027.